Putting Together Strengths That Result In A Great Team

Putting Together Strengths That Result In A Great Team

By Dr. Emily Watson All of us have strengths, those traits that help us excel and accomplish whatever tasks are put before us on any given day. And one of the beautiful things about working as a team, which we do at Warsaw Orthodontics, is that our strengths can complement each other. One person may…

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Important Updates for Upcoming Appointments

Covid updates for appointments.

Dear Patients and Families of Warsaw Orthodontics, As we continue to operate during the Covid-19 Pandemic, we ask that all patients and parents please take a moment to review our protocol. The health and safety of our patients, families, and staff, is our top priority. We want to be able to provide continuity of orthodontic…

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What I Learned This Week

This week has been a blur. I have been trying to remember the actual day I realized that I was going to have to close my practice for at least two weeks, and I honestly can’t remember at what time I thought that was even a possibility. Now, it’s even a possibility we may close…

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Coronavirus Protocol

Covid protocol in the office.

The Coronavirus/Covid-19 has given us all cause for concern. We want you to know that the safety of our patients and families is always our primary concern. We also know that continuity of care is critical for successful orthodontic treatment. As always, we regularly disinfect our treatment area, all public surfaces, and follow the most…

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