We’re so glad you’re here
A beautiful, healthy smile can make a huge difference in your life. If you’ve ever tried to hide your smile because you are worried about your crooked teeth, we can help you! Dr. Emily Watson has years of experience creating personal orthodontic plans for patients. Our team is committed to identifying treatment approaches that are right for every person’s unique needs.
We love building friendships with everyone who walks through our doors. It’s gratifying to work in a field where we’re surrounded by smiles all day, and we love it! At Warsaw Orthodontics, everything we do is focused on your treatment experience. Our reception area offers refreshments, and we welcome parents and children into the treatment center to observe what’s happening. We encourage family members to be part of the process from the beginning to the end. We can’t wait to answer your questions!

Going beyond orthodontics
From your complimentary consultation to the day your new smile is revealed, our team will provide a wonderful orthodontic experience for you. We can screen our patients for Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) and Sleep Apnea and make referrals to an ENT specialist, if necessary. We are also prepared to incorporate myofunctional therapy into a patient’s treatment plan when it is required.
The Big Three
As a practice, we emphasize conversations about the “Big Three”—nasal breathing, lips together, and tongue in the roof of the mouth—and how this can affect the growth and development of the face. We can treat patients from a very early age—as young as age three—to modify their growth and development.