Building a Practice With Zero-Tolerance Culture: The Aftermath | Dr. Emily Watson
Building a Practice With Zero-Tolerance Culture: The Aftermath
By Dr. Emily Watson Third of three parts In Part 1 of this series I discussed the type ...
Building a Practice With Zero-Tolerance Culture: The Solution
By Dr. Emily Watson Second of three parts In Part 1 of this series, I discussed the type ...
Building a Practice With Zero-Tolerance Culture: The Problem | Dr. Emily Watson
Building a Practice With Zero-Tolerance Culture: The Problem
By Dr. Emily Watson First of three parts Human beings, sadly, find it much easier to be negative ...
Thumbsucking: A Seemingly Innocent Habit Can Have Serious Consequences
Thumbsucking: A Seemingly Innocent Habit Can Have Serious Consequences
NOTE FROM DR. EMILY WATSON: One common habit children have that can lead to such problems as improper ...
Putting Together Strengths That Result In A Great Team
Putting Together Strengths That Result In A Great Team
By Dr. Emily Watson All of us have strengths, those traits that help us excel and accomplish whatever ...
How Technology Has Transformed The Orthodontic Experience | Dr. Emily Watson
How Technology Has Transformed The Orthodontic Experience
By Dr. Emily Watson It is incredible to look at technology and how quickly it advances and evaluate ...
The Tongue: A Powerful Force in Facial Development | Dr. Emily Watson
The Tongue: A Powerful Force in Facial Development
By Dr. Emily Watson Perhaps you don’t think about your tongue all that much. That would not be ...
Sleep, School Grades, and How Orthodontists Can Help
Sleep, School Grades, and How Orthodontists Can Help
By Dr. Emily Watson Parents understandably become frustrated when their child’s latest school report card shows a slip ...